Request For Proposal

Extraterrestrial Water Design

In 2022, Kyiv Consulting launched an Extraterrestrial Water Point of View dedicated to unveiling the hidden secrets of water exploration beyond Earth, future initiatives, and space water as a boost for long-distance missions. Our Graphic Design team provided a catchy concept, making the analytical data easy to understand, turning a presentation full of numbers into a 40-slide infographic.

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Crafting a Comprehensive Presentation on Extraterrestrial Water

Extraterrestrial water is inherently exciting and inspiring. But what happens when there's a wealth of valuable data about this topic?

This includes key tools for space water search, prominent planets, the historical progress of space water exploration, craters, and evidence of water on each planet and satellite in the universe.

A great design makes the data convenient to read and understand, guiding readers on a journey of extraterrestrial water exploration without ever leaving Earth.

Step Into A Visual Odyssey

Telescopes, planets, asteroids, satellites, and stars became our canvas as we infused each design with creativity and imagination. Our presentation transformed into an extraterrestrial water encyclopaedia, relevant even in the year 2024.

Across 8 slides dedicated to space exploration, we delved into the discovery of evidence of water's existence far beyond the Solar System. Another 16 slides provided a comprehensive overview of water beyond Earth, offering a 360-degree glimpse into each planet, moons and dwarf planets.

In collaboration with the Research & Analytics Hub, our Graphic Design team crafted a presentation that transcends boundaries, inviting viewers to embark on an exploration of the cosmos from the comfort of their screens.



> 12

Slides dedicated to water exploration missions and modern technologies.

> 20

Planets, moons, and dwarf planets' analytical data were turned into a visually appealing design.

> 11

Slides were designed to showcase the current and future extraterrestrial water missions creatively.


1 month

Team Composition:

3 designers




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